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Common OpenCart errors and solutions

This article tells the best way to fix common Opencart errors

1. Error 500 — Internal Server Error!

500 Internal Server Error is a very general HTTP status code that means something has gone wrong on the website’s server. Mostly it is related that something wrong in php script.

To fix it, first you have to find it :)

In the admin panel of OpenCart, go to System -> Tools -> Error log. At the end there will be actual site errors. If there are no errors in the log, you need to enable error recording. To do this, go to System -> Settings -> Server -> Log errors -> Yes.

If you have FTP access, then you can open the logs / error. log file on your server. Recent Errors — will correspond to the errors on your site. You can find it on linux /var/log/httpd/error_log or /var/log/apache2/error.log

If the site does not display an error, you can display them through your htaccess, which is located in the root of the site. You need to add the following code at the very beginning.

php_value display_errors 1
php_value display_startup_errors 1
php_value error_reporting E_ALL

2. Error: FTP must be enabled in the settings

If you get this error when installing a module, then you need to do the following:

You can install the localcopy.ocmod.xml modifier, which allows you to install modules without configuring FTP on your site or configure FTP access.
To configure FTP access go to: System -> Settings -> FTP and enter the data correctly.

Download localcopy.ocmod.xml

3. Error: This directory is not writable!
  1. Download and install modifier localcopy.ocmod.xml
  2. Update the modifiers in the admin area of the site.
  3. Load the module again.

Download localcopy.ocmod.xml

4. Extension installed, but it is not in the list of modules

Possible solutions:
If before that you did not install modules through the site admin panel, then you need to install the localcopy.ocmod.xml modifier. 

Download localcopy.ocmod.xml

Then try reinstalling your module.
You must give the rights to view and change the module settings — for this you need to go to System -> Settings -> Users -> User group -> Select your group, check all the boxes and click save.
Perhaps your language is not supported by the module and you need to contact support for review.
The module may not have a settings page. Which is very rare.
A modifier never has its own settings section.

5. Error: Access Denied!

If upon entering the module you receive the message "Access is denied! You do not have permission to access this page. If you need it, please contact the administrator." there are several reasons:

You need to give administrator rights to manage the module. To do this, go to System -> Settings -> Users -> User group -> Select your group, set all the checkboxes and click save.
The module is not fully installed. The files have not been uploaded to the server. You need to install the modifier localcopy.ocmod.xml and try reinstalling again.
The version of the Module may not match the version of your site. Check site and module versions.

Download localcopy.ocmod.xml

6. Extension installed, but not in the list of modules

The add-on file name must end with. ocmod
The add-on archive must have a .zip extension
Inside the archive there can be files install. xml install.php install. sql and the upload folder (it can be empty if it is a modifier).

7. Error: The directory containing the files to download could not be found!

Looks like zip is packed incorrectly:
This error means that there is no upload folder inside the installation archive. Such folders must be inside module and can be empty, but is required in Opencart 2.

8. Error: The modifier uses the same ID code that you are trying to load!

If this error occurs when installing an add-on, then you are probably trying to install a modifier with an ID that is already installed (reinstallation).
Before installing the module, you need to remove the previous version of this modifier.

9. The module is installed, but is not displayed on the site

It seems that the module is installed and configured but not visible.
Perhaps such module requires manual output on the site. To do this, you need to go to Design -> Layouts and display the module in the right layout in the right place.
If the display of the content part of the add-on is implemented using a modifier, there may be an incompatibility with the template. Adaptation of the modifier will be required.
In Opencart 3, after installing the add-on with the modifier, you need to update the cache of the template engine (the button with the "gear" on the main page of the admin panel in the upper right corner).

10. The module is installed, but is not displayed in the admin panel

Some modules make changes to the site files in the form of modifications, without changing them, but creating a cache of the modified files. After installing such modules, it is important to update the site modifier cache. In Opencart 3, after installing the add-on with modifiers, you need to update the cache of the template engine (the "gear" button on the main page of the admin panel in the upper right corner).

11. Modifier not applied in Opencart

In this version of Opencart, there is an error in the system / modification. xml file on line 21 due to which other modifiers are not applied. You need to replace this line with the following and update the modifier cache:

<![CDATA[$loader = new \Twig\Loader\ArrayLoader (array ($filename. '.twig' => $code));]]>