Product support policy

This page will tell you all about what you can expect from support.
What's included
Included support 1 month
Extended support 6 months
Update and ensure that it works as described
E-mail support
Assistance with reported bugs and issues
Individual consulting
Update and ensure that it works as described - Our development team carefully checks the product before publication for version compatibility and also checks the functionality stated in the product description.

Assistance with reported bugs and issues - If something goes wrong with the functionality stated in product description and it doesn't work as described we will do our best to solve the issue.

Individual consulting - It includes individual consultation/assistance with our best experts via e-mail related to product customer purchased.
Common questions
Here you can find tips for most buyers questions
Read the item documentation first
Most common questions and requests was published and answered in documentation by our support team.
Support period
A supported product includes product support for 1 month from the purchase date. During that month, FRIDATHEMES expected to be available to provide the product support services we published on top of this page.
Response times may vary due queue and workload.

If you're about to purchase the item, you'll have the option to purchase extended item support, which increases support period to 6 months and includes individual consultation.
What includes support
During the product support period, support includes general questions about the item and how to use it.

  • Answer general questions about the features and functionality of the item.
  • Fix issue if item works as not as described in product description

Extended support:
  • Answer your specific questions about the features and functionality of the item
  • Standard package included
  • Provide some guidance (consultation)
  • Help you with issues related to using the item and getting the most value out of its functionality.
What's not included in item support

Item customization

Item support does not include services like editing, customizing or extending item features, style or functionality. For customization we recommend contacting us via services page where we offer paid services.

Installation of the item

Installation is not included in product. We offer it as extra service on each product page because it requires enough time and knowledge. Our experts will be glad to do it for you.

Hosting, server environment, or software

We don't responsible and do not support issues related customers web hosting or server environment, or issues with the software you've got installed on your machine.